Text books for all examinations are published by the Sabha and are available in the Sabha office. A discount of 25% will be allowed to those who purchase more than 10 books by paying cash. If the books are to be sent to out-station places,the postal expenses will have to be borne by the concerned individuals.

Following are the cost of Text books:

Order form for purchase of Textbooks

Examination Text Book Price Version No. of copies required
Prathama Samskrita Bhasha Deepika-I 25.00 Kannada 1
Dwiteeya Samskrita Bhasha Deepika-II 25.00 Kannada 1
Triteeya-1st Paper Samskrita Bhasha Deepika-III 20.00 Kannada 1
Triteeya-2nd Paper Anuvaada Pradeepa-I 20.00 Kannada 1
Tureeya-1st Paper Samskrita Bhasha Deepika-VI 30.00 Sanskrit 1
Tureeya-2nd Paper Anuvaad Pradeepa-II 30.00 Kannada 1
Pravesha-1st Paper Samskrita Bhasha Deepika-V 30.00 Sanskrit 1
Pravesha-2nd Paper Anuvaada Pradeepa-III 30.00 Sanskrit 1
Shabda Chandrila 65.00 Kannada 1